Tonkinese Cat
Tonkinese - Siamese
Notes indicate that there is a brown Siamese cat in the 1800's actually a cat tonkinese. In the 1950s, a cat owner in New York named Milan Greer, began to breed cats which he calls "Golden Siamese". This was generated from the Golden Siamese Siamese with Burmese cats mating.
Greer produce cats with "genetically pure" for 5 generations. Coincidentally, around the beginning of 1960, a fan of cats in Canada, named Margaret Conroy, decided to cross the color of Siamese with Burmese sealpoint colored sable (dark brown). At that point Siamese cat does not have the genetic properties of pure and stable.
In the late 1960s Margaret Conroy tonkinese no longer breed, but the cats that it generates has spread to the United States. In 1965, an American breeder named Jane Barletta began developing this tonkinese. Tonkinese race to get the status of the Canadian Cat Association contest in 1971. New in 1979 CFA and Tica acknowledge this race to be included in the contest.
- Appearance
Tonkinese is a cat with short fur, size medium and muscular body. Tonkinese have eyes shaped like almonds in the color varies depending on coat color. There are four colors tonkinese, namely: natural is also called the seal or sable (dark brown), champagne is also called chocolate, platinum is often called lilac or frost and blue color (gray). These colors can be found on the three color patterns are: solid, point and mink. Color patterns such as patterns of color points in Siamese cats, the color contrast with the regional body points (ears, tail, feet) is obvious. Mink color pattern, the hallmark tonkinese, the contrast between the Siamese and Burmese middle. The pattern of solid color like the color pattern on the Burmese, not solid fact.
- Temperament
Tonkinese cats remain active even if the owner does not exist. Tonkinese not like to live alone without attention. Tonkinese cat is a cat who is very intelligent and inquisitive.
- Health Issue
Tonkinese are very susceptible to colds. Tonkinese need of dental health care because Tonkinese susceptible to gingivitis. To breed cats tonkinese did not have many problems in health.

Appearance Tonkinese Cats

Coat Color Tonkinese Cat

Face Of The Tonkinese Cats
Labels: animal domestic, breed cats, cats, pet cats, tonkinese breed cat, tonkinese cat info, tonkinese cats, tonkinese gatto, tonkinese kittens, tonkinese mix, tonkinese pictures, tonkinese siamese
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